Instahack the best Instagram Termux hacking tool

Do you need to test your Instagram password’s strength?. The good news is that you now have access to the highly effective Instahack, the best termux Instagram hacking tool.

instahack termux instagram hacking tool

Instahack gives you the opportunity to test your Instagram password. In addition, we discussed Zphisher as the best termux hacking tool for phishing in our previous article.

Besides, don’t hesitate to check out this article about onex best hacking tools on Termux.

Then, before we continue with our topic, let us first have a look at some keywords. Also, if you are a beginner or a new Termux user, we have some articles that you can read for a better start.

What is Instahack the best termux Instagram hacking tool?

Instahack is a bash-based script that is officially designed to use brute-force attacks to test an Instagram account’s password strength. This tool works on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices.

This tool was developed specially to test the strength of an Instagram account. I know there are more than 100 tools on the internet that promised to test the strength of Instagram account but me I prefer this one.

Who can install Instahack

Before you install instahack you must first install Termux on your Android. The installation of Termux on Android is simple and can be done in 2 or 3 seconds, depending on your network.

But if you don’t have it installed or don’t know how to install Termux, don’t worry; we’ve prepared instructions for you How to hack with your smartphone using termux. Consider this article a starting guide for beginners.

What are the installation requirements?

Before installing Instahack let’s first see what the installation requirements are. To avoid issues during the installation process for new users to my blog, I always discuss each tool requirement before the installation process.

  • Internet: the installation of instahack need a good network in order to get and install the tool
  • Root Device or not: You don’t need to root your smartphone to install this tool
  • Php: also PHP is required to finish the installation
  • Must also have a storage of 400 MB
  • Ngrok Token: You need also a ngrok token to perform any attack with this tool.

Instahack features

Here are some instahack features. This is a great tool, and it comes with some interesting features. The developer of this tool should continue maintaining it and correcting some issues that its users always have.

Additionally, this tool is beginner-friendly, anyone can use this tool, you don’t need to be a Guru in hacking to use it.

  • [+] Instagram stable API
  • [+] Updated maintenance
  • [+] tor usage
  • [+] Easy for Beginners

How to install Instahack the best termux Instagram hacking tool?

Some beginners always have problems during the installation process. They used to ask me why they were not able to install some tools on their device.

But one thing I discovered is that they are using termux from playstore which is not recommended by the termux community, and I also discourage it. I suggest you to read my starting guide on how to start with termux to know which termux you should use.

To avoid errors during installation, just copy and paste the command I will discuss for the installation.

Now, before we type any commands, we must first update and upgrade the Termux repository.

pkg update && upgrade -y

The second step is to install Python and Python 2 for those who don’t have them installed. Installing Python and Python 2 is mandatory; otherwise, you won’t be able to continue the installation.

pkg install python && python2 -y

After finishing installing Python, we can then install git. We will use git command to get the tool from GitHub.

We need also to install lolcat by using the pip command.

pkg install git -y
pip install lolcat

Then, to obtain the tool, we will use the git command, which will allow us to obtain instahack from GitHub without difficulty.

git clone

After finishing the cloning process. We can then navigate in instahack folder by using the command cd (change directory) and display all the files in that folder using the ls command.

cd instahack

Once we are in the tool folder, we can then start the installation by running the script using the following commands:

bash setup

Well, done, that was the last process, we can then start using the tool without any problem.

Commands used during installation

During the installation we started with the command pkg update and upgrade, these commands helped us to install the last version of termux and updated termux repositories.

We then proceeded by installing python and python 2, we couldn’t install lolcat without having python installed because we used pip commands which is the package installer for python.

We used pip to install lolcat because lolcat is a python package.

cd (change directory) is a command that we used to navigate in the folder we got from GitHub, and then we used ls to list all the files in the tool folder.

Git command was also used to help us to get instahack from GitHub.

Then, last commands we used was bash, this command helped us to run the script we got from GitHub.

Instahack usage options

Now that you have done the installation, let’s see what options you can find in Instahack. This tool comes with two main options that help any Termux user perform an attack.

  • Auto attack: from this option, you can start an attack
  • Manual attack: you can select a manual pass list and try to attack
  • About: also, this option helps you know more about the author
  • Also, update: from this option, you can update the Instahack tool if updates are available.


Pay attention, know that this tool is only for educational purposes. If you use it for other purposes except for education, we will not be responsible in such cases.

9 thoughts on “Instahack the best Instagram Termux hacking tool”

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