Hacktronian all in one termux tool for hacking

Welcome reader to this post that is about Hacktronian all in one termux tool. This tool is amazing hope you are going to like it. Just make sure you read this post and make sure you don’t miss any steps.

well, in our previous article, we discussed Badrobo tool for getting Instagram user information. This tool helps you to get Instagram user information without even having an Instagram account. Then you may have a look at it if you are interested.

Then, without wasting time let us introduce our today tool that is Hacktronian. for termux new users I thought about you and prepared for you some articles which can help you.

What is Hacktronian all in one termux tool?

hacktronian all in one termux tool

Hacktronian all in one termux tool is a Linux and termux tool for penetration testing which helps users to perform some pentest works and vulnerability testing. Also, the tool itself helps you to do multiple tasks there where the name all in one came from.

Then, know that by using this tool you will be able to perform these tasks. Information gathering, password attacks, wireless testing, exploitation, sniffing & spoofing, web hacking and more.

Also, Hacktronian facilitates the use of some of the tools for information gathering like, Nmap, Setoolkit, CMS Scanner …

And also for password attacks, it uses Cupp and Ncrack. Also, for wireless testing, it uses reaver, pixiewps and Fluxion.

Then, as you know already what Hacktronian all in one termux tool is let us discuss who can install it.

Who can install Hacktronian all in one termux tool?

Well, to install Hacktronian you need to have an android device or a computer that has Linux. Then, for android users, you must also have Termux installed.

What is termux?

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment application that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically, additional packages are available using the package manager.

How to get and install Hacktronian in Linux ?

Then, let us discuss the process of installing Hacktronian in Linux then we are going to discuss how to install it in Termux.

well, to install it in Linux you have first to open your terminal then, update with the command sudo apt update. And after when it will finish updating, use the command cd to change the directory and go to desktop: cd Desktop

Then, when it will show you that it is on desktop use this command to get Hacktronian from Github.

git clone https://github.com/thehackingsage/hacktronian.git

Now, it will start cloning the tool from Github once done. you have to navigate into the Hacktronian folder by using the command cd hacktronian. And after when you will be into that folder you can now install it by using the command:

chmod +x install.sh

Then, command chmod helps to change the permission of the file, before executing it. Now we can execute the script by using the command:

sudo ./install.sh

Then, if everything was done very well you must be able to run Hacktronian by using the command hacktronian. And you will see the hactronian menu.

hacktronian all in one termux tool

How to get and install Hacktronian all in one termux tool in termux?

Now, let us discuss how we can install Hacktronian in termux and start using it. Before we install the tool make sure you have a good network and some storage space.

well, then first we open termux then we update and upgrade our repository with the command: pkg update && upgrade. Then, after that we are going to install git so that we can be able to get hacktronian from Github by using the command:

pkg install git

Then, after we have installed git, we can now install python by using the command:

pkg install python
pkg install python2

Well, now we can get the tool from Github because we have already installed git. we can use the command:

git clone https://github.com/thehackingsage/hacktronian.git

Then, after we have got hacktronian from Github and we have it already in our termux terminal. We can now navigate into the hacktronian folder by using the command:

cd hacktronian

Now, in Linux in order to execute the script, we have to change its permission so that we won’t get an error when trying to execute the script by using the command.

chmod +x hacktronian.py

Now, we can execute the script as it was written in python we are going to use python2 so that we execute the script by using the command:

python2 hacktronian.py

Well done, you are now able to use the tool congratulation. If you don’t get t the same result as me re-read the process and make sure you follow all processes.

Now we have reached the end of this article, hope you have found it interesting, and also if you do have a question just comment down and we will try to give an answer.

2 thoughts on “Hacktronian all in one termux tool for hacking”

  1. Pingback: Get Instagram followers using BadRobo termux hacking tool

  2. Pingback: Getting and Installing DarkArmy Tool on Termux. The Ultimate Guide - Tgeniusclub

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