How to install kali Nethunter in android

For kali Linux users they would like to have in hand everywhere the amazing operating system for penetration testing and for hacking. Because of that, the community of kali Linux decided to give kali Linux users the opportunity of having kali Linux or Kali NetHunter in their smartphones the project of Offensive Security.

kali nethunter

What is Kali linux NetHunter?

Kali NetHunter is a free & open-source Mobile Penetration Testing Platform for Android devices, based on Kali Linux.

What is the kali NetHunter App Store?

The kali NetHunter App Store is an installable catalog of android applications for penetration testing and forensics. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your devices.

Who can install Kali NetHunter?

Kali NetHunter is available for:

  • For un-rooted devices (NetHunter Rootless).
  • For rooted devices that have a custom recovery (NetHunter Lite)
  • For rooted devices with custom recovery for which a NetHunter specific kernel is available (NetHunter).

What are core of kali NetHunter?

  • Kali linux container that includes all tools and applications that  kali provides
  • Kali NetHunter App Store
  • Android client to access the kali NetHunter App store
  • Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience(kex) help to run full kali linux desktop sessions for screen mirroring via HDMI or wireless screen casting.

Kali NetHunter App is available in both rooted editions (NetHunter Lite & NetHunter).

Beyond the penetration testing tools included in Kali Linux, NetHunter also supports several additional classes, such as HID Keyboard Attacks, BadUSB attacks, Evil AP MANA attacks, and many more.

Nb: Kali NetHunter is an open-source project developed by Offensive Security and the community.

What are Editions of NetHunter?

NetHunter can be installed on almost every Android device under the sun using one of these editions:

NetHunter Rootless

Usage: the core of NetHunter for unrooted, unmodified devices

Features: Appstore, kali cli, All kali packages, kex, Metasploit w/o DB,

NetHunter Lite

Usage: The full NetHunter package for rooted phones without a custom kernel.

Features: Appstore, kali cli, All kali packages, kex, Metasploit w/o DB, metasploit with DB, NetHunter App , requires TWRP,


Usage: the full NetHunter package with custom kernel for supported devices

Features: Appstore, kali cli, All kali packages, kex, Metasploit w/o DB, metasploit with DB, NetHunter App , requires TWRP, requires Root, WIFI injection, HID attacks.

Which Devices and ROMs can support NetHunter?

NetHunter Lite can be installed on all Android devices that are rooted and have a custom recovery. The full NetHunter experience requires a devices specific kernel that has been purpose built for Kali NetHunter.

The NetHunter gitlab repository contains over 164 kernels for over 65 devices. Offensive Security publishes over 25 images for the most popular devices on the NetHunter download page.

Where to find NetHunter and how to Download it?

If you are willing to install NetHunter and you don’t know where to get it. You can find NetHunter on the download official page from Offensive Security NetHunter project. Remember once the zip file has downloaded

NetHunter Rootless Edition

if you want to install NetHunter on any stock, unrooted Android device without voiding the warranty. you have to install termux, on termux you can now install Kali NetHunter.

What you need to install Kali netHunter?

For Android user you need a device witch has an unmodify stock, no root or custom recovery.

How to install Kali NetHunter on termux?

  • Install the NetHunter-Store app from
  • From the NetHunter Store, install Termux, NetHunter-keX client and Hacker’s keyboard
  • open Termux and type:
pkg install wget
wget -O install-nethunter-termux
chmod +x install-nethunter-termux


nethunter: Start Kali NetHunter command line interface

Also, use command nethunter kex passwd: to configure the kex password (only needed before 1st use)

Then, if you want to start kali nethunter desktop use nethunterkex command.

nethunter kex stop: stop kali nethunter desktop Experience

To use KeX, start the KeX client, enter your password and click connect Tip: For a better viewing experience, enter a custom resolution under “Advanced Settings” in the KeX Client


  1. Run sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade first thing after installation. If you have plenty of storage space available you might want to run apt install kali-linux-default as well.
  2. All of the penetration testing tools should work but some might have restrictions, e.g. metasploit works but doesn’t have database support. If you discover any tools that don’t work, please post it in our forums.
  3. Some utilities like “top” won’t run on unrooted phones.
  4. Non-root users still have root access in the chroot. That’s a proot thing. Just be aware of that.
  5. Galaxy phone’s may prevent non-root users from using sudo. Just use “su -c” instead.
  6. Perform regular backups of your rootfs by stopping all nethunter sessions and typing the following in a termux session: tar -cJf kali-arm64.tar.xz kali-arm64 && mv kali-arm64.tar.xz storage/downloads That will put the backup in your Android download folder. Note: on older devices, change “arm64” to “armhf”
  7. Please join us in our forums to exchange tips and ideas and be part of a community that strives to make NetHunter even better.

5 thoughts on “How to install kali Nethunter in android”

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